This demo shows how to configure the TF object for a very large table.
var tfConfig = { col_width: ['50px','100px','150px','150px','150px'], sort: true, sort_config: { sort_types:['None','Number','String','Number','String'] }, paging: true, paging_target_id: 'pageNav', custom_slc_options: { cols:[1], texts: [['0','1 - 500','500 - 5000','5000 - 10000','10000 - 25000','25000 - 50000','50000 - 80000']], values: [ ['0','>0 && <=500','>500 && <=5000','>5000 && <=10000','>10000 && <=25000','>25000 && <=50000','>50000 && <=80000'] ], sorts: [false] }, col_0: "none", col_1: "select", display_all_text: "[ Clear ]", filters_row_index: 1, alternate_rows: true, rows_counter: true, rows_counter_text: "Rows: ", btn_reset: true, loader: true, loader_html: '', loader_css_class: 'myLoader', status_bar: true, status_bar_target_id: 'statusMsg', /* Custom theme */ themes: { name:['MyTheme'], src:['TableFilter/TF_Themes/MyTheme/MyTheme.css'], description:['My stylesheet'], initialize:[null] } } var tf = setFilterGrid("demo", tfConfig);
In order to improve the script performances with very large tables:
<td> <table><tr> <td>My cell value</td> </tr></table> </td>...). It takes more time to retrieve the cell value especially under IE
I had many questions concerning how to use this script with very large tables, many developers complained about the script becoming very slow with huge quantity of data, some of them using HTML tables containing more than 30 000 rows...
I remind that this is a client-side script and at a certain point you will inevitably reach the limits of your browser and PC ressources! Moreover, I really don't see the point in doing that, if you display data with an HTML table of more than 30 000 rows you are for sure doing it via a server, therefore you better reduce these datas server-side before sending them to the client...
Row | Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 |