HTML Table Filter Generator is no longer maintained, it is now replaced by the TableFilter project. Don't hesitate to check the demos out in their new location along with exhaustive documentation in the project's WIKI.
Version 2.5.1
- Source code now availble on GitHub
- Miscellaneous bug fixes
Version 2.5
- ezEditTable module license change: now available under a commercial license on CodeCanyon
- Bug fix: columns with empty dates are sorted correctly
- Sortable Table extension v2.1:
- Bug fix: columns sorting working uncorrectly under IE9
Version 2.4
- Added the SkyBlue theme
- Added the regular expression operator (rgx:): text-box filters can perform searches using regular expressions
- Added the following callback event functions:
- on_before_reset and on_after_reset called before and after filters are cleared
- on_before_refresh_counter and on_after_refresh_counter called before and after the rows counter is refreshed
- on_before_show_msg and on_after_show_msg called before and after a status message is displayed
- Added the GetConfigObject() public method returning the original configuration object
- Added the GetFilterableRowsNb() public method returning the total number of rows that can be filtered
- Updated the GetRowsNb(includeHeaders) public method: if includeHeaders parameter set true, headers row(s) is also included in the total number of rows
- Bug fix concerning the keywords highlighting feature (highlight_keywords)
- Bug fix concerning the GetValidRowsIndex() public method
Version 2.3
- Columns Visibility Manager extension v1.4:
- Bug fixes: empty column headers are now allowed and callback event functions are now raised correctly in opt-in or opt-out mode (showHide_cols_tick_to_hide)
- Added the ToggleCol(colIndex), IsColHidden(colIndex) and GetHiddenColIndexes() public methods
- Improved the ShowCol(colIndex) and HideCol(colIndex) public methods, state of columns list items is updated automatically
- Sortable Table extension v2.0:
- Bug fix: zebra background colors are no longer inverted after sort
- Sortable Table extension v1.9:
- Bug fix: cell custom value attribute (sort_custom_key) was read only by Firefox, now all browsers can read the cell custom value attribute
- Improved support for multi-column headers, filters' row can be placed at desired position now
- Bug fix: filters' values persistence across page loads is now fixed with filters containing custom options (custom_slc_options)
- Keywords highlighting (highlight_keywords): optimised the clearing function
- Added text customisation properties for paging (page_text, of_text) and rows counter (from_to_text_separator, over_text)
Version 2.2
- Refresh filters behaviour: excluded options can be disabled now (disable_excluded_options property)
- Bug fix: GetValidRowsIndex() public method returns correct valid rows indexes when table is sorted
Version 2.1
- Sortable Table extension v1.8:
- Bug fix: sort takes into account results per page changes now
- The ezEditTable stylesheet is not imported by default anymore as it is not necessary (ezEditTable_config.loadStylesheet property)
- The Rows counter is now refreshed when rows are added or deleted in edition mode
Version 2.0
- Integration of the ezEditTable script providing selection and edition features
- Advanced row and cell selection, keyboard navigation, inline cell editing, rows insertion and deleting can be enabled now by using the selectable and editable properties and the ezEditTable_config configuration object. This configuration object is encapsulated in the TF configuration object
- All the script files are now contained in a TableFilter folder, and the base_path property defines the location of the script ressources which is 'TableFilter/' by default. Note: if you upgrade from a previous version, make sure that the tablefilter.js file is imported in your page from the right directory ('TableFilter/'). Of course, the script always gives the option to define custom locations for every single item such as, extensions, themes, images etc... Refer to documentation to find the right property
- The toolbar buttons (paging and clear buttons) are shown by default as icons instead of textual elements. By disabling the enable_icons property the icons are displayed as textual elements again
- Sortable Table extension v1.7:
- Added the AddSortType public method enabling developers to add column sort types programmatically
- Added sort arrow css classes properties (sort_image_asc_class_name, sort_image_asc_class_name, sort_image_desc_class_name)
- Added the sort custom key property (sort_custom_key) used to perform custom sorts easily
Version 1.9.9
- Columns Visibility Manager extension update v1.3:
- Fixed bug when popup filters are enabled
- Added the on_cols_manager_loaded callback function, invoked just after the extension is loaded and instanciated by the TF script
- Added the on_sort_loaded callback function to The Sortable Table extension. This callback is invoked just after the sort feature is loaded by the script
- The Sortable Table extension images path can be set in the configuration object with the sort_images_path property
- The Sortable Table extension supports an additional data type, the dd-mmm-yyyy date format. Columns containing this date format can be filtered and sorted now
- A new feature is now available the popup filters: filters will popup when a filter icon placed near the column header is clicked
- The toolbar container displaying the paging elements, rows counter, status bar etc. can be placed in a desired location with the toolbar_target_id property
- A ? is now generated automatically in the toolbar container. When the question mark is clicked customisable instructions are displayed in a popup container
- Filtered columns can be highlighted now with the mark_active_columns property
- an additional date type format is now supported: dd-mmm-yyyy (01-Jan-2011)
Version 1.9.8
- The Sortable Table extension supports an additional data type, the IP address. Columns containing IP addresses can be sorted now
- The Columns Visibility Manager extension now supports the grid-layout feature.
- An additional option is now available: the showHide_enable_tick_all allowing users to tick all the colums to be hidden at once
- The script is now splitted in several js documents. Each js document is a module providing a feature of the script The script will load only the modules required by the configuration object For those who prefer to import a unique js file, there is still a js document including all the modules (tablefilter_all.js)
- Additional public method: the GetHeaderElement(colIndex) returning the header DOM element for a given column index
- updated public method: the GetFilteredData(includeHeaders) accepts an optional boolean parameter indicating if the returned filtered data array should include the headers of the table or not
Version 1.9.7
- A watermark feature for text-box filters (input_watermark)
- 2 additional criterias for drop-down filters: the empty and non-empty criteria (empty_text, non_empty_text)
- A theme loading mechanism offering the possibility to load predefined themes (only a 'default' theme available for the moment) or custom themes
- An additional public method: the GetFilterElement(index) returning the filter DOM element for a given column index
Version 1.9.6
- New major feature: the Grid Layout, a grid with fixed headers is generated from a regular HTML table
- Columns Resizer extension update v1.3: this extension now supports the Grid Layout feature
Version 1.9.5
- Sortable Table extension update v1.2: added the on_before_sort and on_after_sort events
- Columns Resizer extension update v1.2: added the on_before_col_resized and on_after_col_resized events and the col_resizer_stylesheet property, defining an alternative stylesheet path for the extension
- Columns Visibility Manager extension update v1.1: developers can now choose the checkbox action, show or hide columns
- New extension: the Columns Resizer - this extension makes the colmuns of a table resizable
- Checklist filter bug fix for IE > 6 - the checklist filter now works properly: options can be selected outside the check-box
- A new event: the custom_cell_data. This event is fired when the table is being filtered, just before the cell data is retrieved. Instead of getting the text content of a cell, with this event the script makes the developer free to retrieve alternative data for the filtering process
- Refresh_filters and highlight_keywords behaviours enhancements
Version 1.9.4
- Sortable Table extension update v1.1: when table is paged the sort feature now sorts the whole table and not only the current page
- New extension: the Filters Row Visibility Manager: expand/collapse filters row
- New extension: the Columns Visibility Manager: show/hide table columns
- An extensions manager is now available to ensure TF script's extensibility
- Additional public method: GetFilteredDataCol returning an array containing only filtered data of a specified column
- The refresh filters behaviour works also with checklist type filters
Version 1.9.3
- License change: the script is now available under a MIT License
Version 1.9.2
- New filter type: the checklist filter
- Single filter search: a single filter searching in all table columns
- Integrated sort feature using WebFX Sortable Table 1.12 script created by Erik Arvidsson
- Additional public methods: GetFilteredData returning an array containing only fiiltered data and RefreshGrid refreshing filters grid bar
- Additional events: onBeforeOperation / onAfterOperation calling a method just before or after columns operations are performed
- Bug fix (v1.9.1): filters values were not re-applied correctly when remember_grid_values cookie not found, defect introduced in v1.9.1
Version 1.9.1
- && (AND) operator allowing multi-operator searches (>15 && <27 && !hello world)
- Custom drop-downs: define programatically the values of a combo-box filter of a column
- Define a text-box page selector for pagination instead of default combo-box
- Different date types (DMY, MDY, YMD) supported in the same table: date types defined by column
- Drop-down filters are now sorted by default
- Cookie duration can be defined in mms
- Custom css classes for alternating rows (default: "even" or "odd")
- Table events return TF object by default (ex: on_show_loader: function(o){ alert(; })
- Bug fix (v1.9): filters values were not re-applied correctly when remember_grid_values property enabled, defect introduced in v1.9
- Bug fix (v1.9): number with decimals were not filtered correctly, defect introduced in v1.9
- 2 additional public methods: GetFiltersRowIndex and GetHeadersRoxIndex
Version 1.9
- Additional operators for text filters for more precise searches (like *, different from !, equal =, starts with {, ends with }, or ||)
- New filter type: the multiple selection drop-down, allowing users to filter a column with more than 1 keyword
- Load-on-demand drop-downs: in order to improve loading performances, drop-down values are loaded only the first time filter is used
- Date, currency and numeric support: DMY date (EU) vs. MDY date (US), currencies ¥£€$ symbols, thousands separator '.' (EU) vs. ',' (US), decimal separator '.' (US) vs. ',' (EU)
- A status bar detailing filtering operations
- Improved loader behaviour
Version 1.8.1
- Bug fix (v 1.8): drop-down values did not match column data in some cases. PopulateSelect method was modified to remove this defect introduced in v 1.8
Version 1.8
- Completely re-coded (TF class) for better performances and maintainability
- Highlight keyword(s)
- Find-as-you-type feature
- Retain page number and pagination length on page re-load
- Generate filters in desired DOM elements (external filters)
- Filter type: include/exclude keyword(s)
- on_before_filter and on_after_filter events
- Define CSS class for every element of the filter grid bar
Version 1.7
- Retain filters' values on page re-load
- Change HTML of loader, paging and reset buttons
- Enable/disable drop-down filters ascending/descending order (numeric values)
- Enable/disable filters case sensitivity
- Enable/disable refresh filters behavior
Version 1.6
- Improved Filter() function: special characters are now filtered
- Paging behaves now like Excel
- Public functions for developers
- Enable/disable filter grid
- Set alternating background rows
- Perform sum or mean operation on column values
- Make rows always visible
- Define column widths
Version 1.5
- Paging feature
- Show/hide loader
- Enable/disable exact match filtering
- Enable/disable drop-down list sorting
- Improved Filter() function
- Improved PopulateOptions() function
Version 1.4
- Can filter the table as user change the value of drop-down list
- Enable/disable "Reset" button
- Show/hide # rows displayed
Version 1.3
- Can call a specified function at submission
- Enable/disable "enter" key
- Grid button is an
Version 1.2
- Users can filter with operators
- Show/hide "go" button
- Change button text
Version 1.1
- Show/hide a filter
- Allows drop-down lists
Version 1.0
- Script development