
HTML Table Filter Generator is no longer maintained, it is now replaced by the TableFilter project. Don't hesitate to check the demos out in their new location along with exhaustive documentation in the project's WIKI.

Table Filter Class

Public Properties

Property Type Description Remarks Example
id string returns the HTML table's id used by the TF object   alert( );
tbl HTMLTableElement returns the HTML table element used by the TF object   alert( myTF.tbl );
fObj object returns the TF configuration object (literal object)   alert( myTF.fObj );
nbRows number returns total number of table rows   alert( myTF.nbRows );
nbFilterableRows number returns total number of filterable rows starting from reference row if defined   alert( myTF.nbFilterableRows );
infDiv HTMLDivElement returns the div element containing the left, middle and right divs   alert( myTF.infDiv );
lDiv HTMLDivElement returns the left div element   alert( myTF.lDiv );
mDiv HTMLDivElement returns the middle div element   alert( myTF.mDiv );
rDiv HTMLDivElement returns the right div element   alert( myTF.rDiv );
contDiv HTMLDivElement returns the div element containing the fixed headers Only for IE<8 when fixed_headers property set true alert( myTF.contDiv );
activeFlt HTMLInputElement / HTMLSelectElement / HTMLUListElement returns the active filter element Returned object type depends on active filter type alert( myTF.activeFlt );
activeFilterId string returns the id of the active filter alert( myTF.activeFilterId );
externalFltEls array returns the list of external filter elements Only if external_flt_grid property set true alert( myTF.externalFltEls );
checkListDiv array returns a list of elements containing checklist filters alert( myTF.checkListDiv );
rowsCounterDiv HTMLDivElement returns the div containing the rows counter elements alert( myTF.rowsCounterDiv );
rowsCounterSpan HTMLSpanElement returns the span element containing the rows number alert( myTF.rowsCounterSpan );
statusBarDiv HTMLDivElement returns the div containing the status bar elements alert( myTF.statusBarDiv );
statusBarSpan HTMLSpanElement returns the span element containing the status text alert( myTF.statusBarSpan );
statusBarSpanText HTMLSpanElement returns the span element containing the text preceding the status information alert( myTF.statusBarSpanText );
loaderDiv HTMLDivElement returns the div containing the loader alert( myTF.loaderDiv );
btnResetEl object returns the reset button element a link by default alert( myTF.btnResetEl );
resultsPerPage array returns the configuration array for the results per page feature It accepts an array with the following values:
  • a string containing the results per page label ('Results per page')
  • an array containing the numeric values indicating the results per page options ([25,50,100])
alert( myTF.resultsPerPage );
pagingSlc HTMLInputElement / HTMLSelectElement returns the page selector element if paging property set true alert( myTF.pagingSlc );
nbPages number returns the total number of pages if paging property set true alert( myTF.nbPages );
currentPageNb number returns the current page number if paging property set true alert( myTF.currentPageNb );

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